
Friday, September 13, 2013

A Year Ago

I think a lot of things have changed. Mostly I have changed. Last year, I haven't found anything I'm good at but I kept saying that it's just around the corner. That in any minute i would find it. And I told others when they felt useless too. A year ago, I looked in the mirror and tried to find my good side, things that would make me attractive...and I did. A year ago I wouldn't go shopping and end up being down the rest of the day because every single trousers weren't in my size. A year ago it didn't bother me that the last time a guy liked me was in kindergarten.
Honestly, I don't know what happened. If there was something in my life that was supposed to 'change' me, it happened three years ago. I didn't change then, but I changed now. Why? It not that i just hit puberty and my nerves are so weird and everything. I get jealous every time i see people on the street kissing or hugging, when my friends talk about a guy who stares at the them with the 'I-want-to-bang-you-so-much' look, even when i see skinny girls. And believe me, i see skinny girls a lot. The only girls who aren't skinny in my class are three, me included.
Really, I don't know what to do. I'm on a diet and i am supposed to loose 4kg a month (a doctor instructed the diet by  the way) and i have only lost 2 in two months.
In class, I feel like i am surrounded by geniuses. Half of them are like A students or even close to that and the other half are straight D students or close to that. Me? I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I want to have better grades this year, but there are just....I don't know. I'm certain I will not make it. With all the other students answering questions better and quicker than me. Even if i do my best, I'm 100% sure it's not enough. It's never going to be enough. I'm more stupid than people think. People think i have good grades because I am shy and just write great at the exams-which is true, but never mind. I write good at tests and exams because i study a lot before them. Maths? Everyday, last year, my cousin explained them to me one week before the exams. Ancient Greek and Greek? I forget them as soon as I write them. History? I have a horrible memory I can hardly remember things. Physic and Chemistry? Same thing with maths.
I have no idea. Nothing. Nada. Forget what you just read and go back to your lives. Just don't pay attenetion.
I'm a brat and a bitch and a spoiled onlychild. I know. Now leave.

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