
Thursday, July 10, 2014

More stuff about feminism and books I suppose

Hello youthful humans,
I am aware it hasn’t been such a long time since I updated anything. And yes, I also know this is exactly the opposite way I started all my previous posts too for some time. Oh well it is not fine there is somebody out there expecting me to write anything that makes much sense anyway. If I want you to know that I feel like a jerk right now.
Anyway, back to the point I was reading the chronicles of Vladimir Tod twelfth grade kills well again (inner fangirl screams) I was going through the 16th chapter where Meredith tells Snow that Vlad will never go out with her (I know high school drama what can you do about it)
And then Snow’s answer was
“You face it, princess. I don’t need a boy crushing on me to feel good about myself. If Vlad doesn’t date me, that’s fine. If he does, great. But I’m not going to base my entire sense of self-esteem on whether or not I have a date to the prom.”
Thank you Heather Brewer. I hope it’s not illegal to do this, it might be. Oh well you only die once or whatever idiotic people of this generation have been saying. This is a completely different subject. Back to the point, girls of the last decades more like centuries but who’s counting just seem to have no respect to their person unless somebody hands it to them (not I’m not going to say literally because that is the wrong use of the word.)
(God I am terrible at finding relatable pictures for my "articles". it is cute though concradulations to whoever drew this)
It is plain sad that the do not see their self worth and society also doesn’t try to teach them to consider themselves as equals. And no by that I do not mean have an actual sexual relationship with someone in your mid thirties but to do it only due to wanting to do it for personal reasons not because people will think more highly or lowly or you if you are sexually active or have are ‘beautiful’ on whatever societies standards. I’m not recreating that cliché lie of everybody’s beautiful because it is untrue. The brain perceives as attractive the person with the characteristics he is most accustomed to. Therefore, to put plainly, you are unique. Oh, look another cliché. I thought nobody would take  an enraged ‘feminist’ girl seriously so I will use parts of different books,  to point out that beauty is unimportant.
That was a long prologue...
 In the book ‘Women” by Charles Bukowski he talks to us about his girlfriend
And describes her saying that she has a big nose, her one eye was bigger than the other, her poetry was shit. I do agree that he was not exceptionally nice about it but any female reading it would not feel overwhelmed about another perfect specimen that so many writers meet or more accurately imagine. He liked her cheerfulness and that was the one trait that he did like about her and that made her attractive to him even though- No. No spoilers even though the book is very old. (I personally found it in the library so imagine.
Another one a little bit more  sweet and innocent this time ‘The perks of being a wallflower’ I fell in love with this book a few years back, yes to the unaware it was a book long before it became a movie. So Charlie, the main character tells to Sam the very widely known to all the people wasting their life on the internet
‘We accept the love that we think we deserve’ he says to a Sam wondering why things didn’t go the way se expected in her relationship with Craig.
Another example of girls not thinking they are for anything better than sexual intercourse is in the book I’ll spit in your graves by Boris Vian in a dialogue between the protagonist and a random girl he met that very day that a café, that ends up being a main character but at this pointing chapter 2 is a stranger.
‘You dance well for an old guy’ she said
‘My grandfather taught me’ I said
‘I can see that. So old fashioned.’
‘You are sure better than me in jive but I can teach you other tricks’
She half closed her eyes.
‘Old people’s tricks’ she asked
‘It depends whether you are talented’
‘I know where this is going…’
‘You sure don’t. Does anybody have a guitar?’
 That woman does have low self respect. Only me.
I am aware I am weird. If you want to add another book to the pile feel free to

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