
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Σε δύο μέρες τελείωνει το έτος και μπαίνουμε στο 2014..!Κάποιοι από εμάς είναι πoιο τυχεροί και κάποιοι ποιο άτυχοι..για περάδειγμα υπάρχουν κάποιοι ηθοποιοί-τραγουδιστές που αποχαιρετούν αυτό το έτος με πολλά χρήματα στην ΄΄τσέπη΄΄ τους..Παρακάτω υπάρχει μία λίστα με τους πλουσιότερους μουσικούς του κόσμου και φυσικά η Μadonna κατέχει την πρώτη θέση..!
01. Madonna, 125 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
02. Lady Gaga, 80 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
03. Bon Jovi, 70 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
04. Toby Keith, 65 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
05. Coldplay, 64 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
06. Bruce Springsteen, 62 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
07. Justin Bieber, 58 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
08. Taylor Swift, 55 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
09. Elton John, 54 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
10. Beyoncé, 53 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
11. Kenny Chesney, 53 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
12. Diddy, 50 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
13. Paul McCartney, 47 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
14. Calvin Harris, 46 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
15. Jennifer Lopez, 45 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
16. Roger Waters, 44 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
17. Muse, 43 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
18. Rihanna, 43 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
19. Jay Z, 42 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
20. One Direction, 42 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
21. Dr. Dre, 40 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
22. Red Hot Chili Peppers, 40 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
23. Rolling Stones, 39 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
24. Katy Perry, 39 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
25. Tim McGraw, 33 εκατομμύρια δολάρια.
by Gorgina..!

the voice of greece (trailer..)

 by Gorgina..

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Cupcake Natalino.

Olá meninas e meninos, tudo bem? O post de hoje é de mais uma receita uhuuuul *-*.  O outro post de receita aqui no blog foi de Peru Recheado, (link aqui) ele fez muito sucesso e muita gente veio falar comigo pelo chat do face pedindo para eu fazer mais posts com receitas para o natal. O natal já está bem próximo. Já é amanhã então agora provavelmente esse será o último post de receita.Mais enfim vamos logo a receita! rs 

  • Ingredientes
  • Massa
  • 1 Xícara (chá) de Açúcar Refinado
  • 2 Colheres (sopa) rasas de Amido de Milho
  • 1/4 Xícara (chá) de Rum
  • 1 Xícara (chá) de Farinha de Trigo
  • 1/2 Xícara (chá) de Castanhas-do-Pará
  • 3 Ovos
  • 1/2 Xícara (chá) de Uvas Passas sem Sementes
  • 5 Colheres (sopa) de Manteiga
  • 1/2 Xícara (chá) de Damascos Picados
  • 1 Colher (chá) de Fermento em Pó
  • Cobertura
  • 1 3/4 Xícara (chá) de Açúcar Cristalizado
  • Corante Líquido Verde
  • 1 Xícara (chá) de Água
  • 3 Claras de Ovos
  1. Junte o damasco, as uvas passas, as castanhas-do-pará, adicione o rum e reserve.
  2. Junte na batedeira o açúcar e a manteiga e bata até obter uma consistência cremosa.
  3. Acrescente os ovos um a uma, sempre batendo.
  4. Ao parar de bater, adicione a farinha, o amido, o fermento e as frutas com o rum.
  5. Desepeje a mistura nas forminhas, tomando o cuidado de não ultrapassar muito a metade.
  6. Leve ao forno preaquecido e asse por cerca de 20 minutos.
  7. Cobertura
  8. Bata as claras na batedeira em velocidade mínima entre 5 e 10 minutos, até formarem uma espuma consistente. Após batidas, as claras se tornarão claras em neve.
  9. Junte a água e o açúcar cristalizado em uma panela e ferva até se tornar uma calda.
  10. Misture a calda com as claras em neve, batendo até esfriar.
  11. Acrescente o corante e bata até que ele pega na cobertura toda.
Com os bolinhos já frios, cubra-os com a cobertura e decore como quiser.

O post foi esse, espero que tenham gostado. Super beijo e até a próxima. :*
by Gorgina...

christmas nails

Looking for nail art inspiration for this Christmas? Get inspired with these hot designs These nail designs can add flair to your look in a gorgeous and beautiful way. Even though it’s best to leave detailed nail art to the pros, there are also designs you can create yourself! 

by Gorgina..

charms 2014...

  by Gorgina..happy new year..!
10+1 λόγοι για τους οποίους ο Άγιος Βασίλης δεν μπορεί να είναι άντρας: 
1. Ποιός άντρας είναι τόσο οργανωμένος;
2. Ποιός άντρας δουλεύει τόσες ώρες;
3. Ποιός άντρας παίρνει τόσα δώρα;
4. Ποιός άντρας σκέφτεται ποιό δώρο είναι ιδανικό για κάθε άνθρωπο;
5. Ποιός άντρας θα φόραγε κόκκινο κοστούμι;
6. Ποιός άντρας καταφέρνει να φτιάξει σάκο;
7. Αν ήταν άντρας θα είχαμε καθυστερήσεις, γιατί θα γύρναγε συνέχεια να κοιτάξει αν κλείδωσε το έλκηθρο.
8. Αν ήταν άντρας, οι τάρανδοι θα βρώμαγαν και θα πέθαιναν της πείνας.
9. Αν ήταν άντρας, θα διπλοπάρκαρε με αλάρμ και θα έκανε τη δουλειά του.
10. Αν ήταν άντρας, δεν θα είχε αρσενικά μικροκαμωμένα ξωτικά για βοηθούς.
11. Οι άντρες δεν ζουν τόσο πολύ
by Gorgina..! <333

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

10 Things Bookworms Will Never Forget

1. The pain when your favorite character died.
2. The bigger pain when you get spoiled about something happening to your favorite character.
3. The 'what-am-i-doing-with-my-life' feeling when you finish a great book.
4. Being incapable of thinking anything else but the book mentioned above.
5. That urge to throw the book to the wall.
6. That moment when you realize you don't really like the book but you just can't stop reading.
7. That excitement when you read something you knew would happen.
8. That book you haven't read yet but you don't give it away.
9. That 'wtf did i just watch' whn you see the-awful- movie of one of your favorite books.
10. When you're rereading a book you read when you were 12 and consider it one of your favorites until you read it again.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Living in the Percy Jackson World since October or Why I hate Bianca di Angelo

Yeah well, the book could be better but there was the certain chapter about Nico di Angelo that made me love it. And then I just had to think about Bianca. For some reason. I don't know.
So, I hate Bianca di Angelo. So much. I never hated her that much. Actually, I was kind of sad that she died and left Nico alone. But now I understand she had already left Nico alone, by deciding to join the Hunters of Artemis.
I mean, seriously Bianca? Your mom dies when you were four and your brother two and you stay alone, having only your little brother as your family and your friend.
And bam, when you get the chance, you don't think about it a second time. You leave you little brother you 'love', who loves you, cares about you and needs you. You leave him alone with a guy you who are not sure if he's going to be alive next month (Percy). Congratulations Bianca. You are a great sister.
I know she needed to find a family, a place to belong, but she could have gone to camp with the others and live there, belong there. Nico wouldn't be so lonely and creepy and a 'freak' if Bianca didn't die. Bianca was cheerful and likable, and so was Nico, and when they found out they were children of Hades, they wouldn't run away, they wouldn't feel like outsiders. They would belong.
Then again, Rick Riordan had to find a reason to make Nico hate Percy and run away and everything.
I don't know. Honestly. I just hate her.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

11 Eyes-Anime Review

I saw this anime in two days-two nights, actually-and it was really awesome. It had twists and the ending was...I'm not going to spoil you! Watch and find out!
The plot was great, the music was awesome, the characters were really well-made...It's so good I may replace "Angel Beats!" with this one in #3 of my favorite anime. I may. Or may not. I don't know yet.
I tottal recommend it to all of you. I give it a 5.4/6 because reasons. I have nothing more to say without containing spoilers, so I'm making another version of this review sometime in the future. (I don't promise anything.)


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Some Really Really Great Videos

And that's how rabbit-unicorns disappered...they got stuck on trees...<3

It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be.-James Thurber

Devils, Angels & Dating-Short Film-Animation

Allowing Homosexual Couples To Adopt

Being a logical person who believes in equal rights, of course I'm ok with gay couples adopting kids.
You ask why, homophobic asshole?
Let me give you my reasons
  • The orphanages are full of children heterosexual people did and abandonded them. Why can't you give  them a chance you be with two people who love them, even if that means it's George and Michael or Lucy and Mary?
  • When you say things like "the child will be confused having two mums/dads" i want to rip your eyes out. This child will know is adopted the same way an african american baby with white parents will. And no one informs you about your family members. Sure, everyone is like "this is daddy" and "this is mummy" and "this is your sister/brother" but no one will tell a baby about their brother who comminted suicide before he was born, or the difference between the half sister and step sister .Have you seen a lot of parents going to their newborn baby and be like "See this girl? This was your sister. She got killed on a car crash two years ago." or "Dad and mum had children with other people befoer they got married to each other, so you have 2 half brothers and one step sister." ? You grow up learning these terms, the who-is-who. 
  • You say that these children will turn out to be gay because they mimic their parents. Well, it's not like there's going to be George and Michael with their baby John and never allow John to see heterosexual couples. The later are everywhere: on the TV, on the street, even in George's and Michael's family. If the kid learns that he should be gay, then it's George and Michael's fault and they should burn in hell.
  • And last but not least, you claim that these children are going to be traumatised. Because gay marriages are not a good envornmet for a kid to grow up. Like a family where dad hits mum all the time or parents are busy and don't give a shit about their children is a much better envornment than having Lucy and Mary who love you and each other and will make sure nothing happens to you right? 
  • And another thing; the adopted baby will be closer to his/her parents because they are not going to fucking throw him on the street if he/she comes out.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A Series of Unfortunate Events-Book Review

A Series of Unfortunate Events is one of my favorite series. <3 I read it two years ago or so, but I haven't changed my mind of how great this series is.
I adore Lemony Snicket's writing (yes, i know it's not his real name but I cannot recall his real one) and the fact that he doesnt give answers to all the questions. Maybe the plot is not realistic (especially Sunny's character, there is no baby that talks like that, understands that much and cooks that well) but I find it rather interesting. If I had to choose my favorite character, that would be Violet (predictable, aren't I?). I don't really dislike any character, even count Olaf is necessary, but if i had to get rid of a character, I'd choose Isadora because she does absolutely nothing. I would let her stay just so they could say "We were triplets, but our brother died" which is more interesting than "I had a twin".
And if course, the story of Kit and Dewey is awesome and I'd like to see more of it, but I understand they are not the main characters and it's a children's book series anyway.
As a matter of fact, I was thrilled when I saw 'Who Could That Be At This Hour?' and loved reading it. It's nice knowing the back story and I cannot wait for the next one.
