
Friday, November 22, 2013

Jason Veeoneeye and Jack Gleeson

Please, tell us we are not the only ones who have noticed that the almost look the same. Basically sound the same.
So we were watching the series chilling and Zoey asked "Do you know veeoneeye?" and Vcay said  "no" so we both watched one video. (The anti-jokes one-it's a really awesome , go watch it) and then Vcay was like "He sounds like Joffrey" and Zoey agreed, saying the look alike too, a little bit.
So we did a little experiment.
We played two videos, one of Jason and one of Jack talking. So we couldn't really spot any difference and we were a bit freaked out.
Do they know each other? Are they related or something?
Have YOU noticed it? If anyone did, please tell us we are not the ones.

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