
Friday, November 29, 2013

Randon Thoughts On The Street

Starring Zoey
Typing Vcay

Λοιπόν παιδάκια, έχω πάρει μάθημα επιλογής "Γεωλογία και Διαχείριση Φυσικών Πόρων".Ε ναι, όχι. Η Γη είναι ο μπλε πλανήτης. Και από το διάστημα βλέπουμε τα 3/4 νερό. [Σημειώστε το σαρκασμό].
Για όσους δε το ξέρουνε, δεν είναι αυτό η Γεωλογία. Εκτός αυτού, οι πολύ διευρυμένες γνώσεις μου αυτό το τετράμηνο, έχουνε πάει στο ότι το αστέρι που βλέπετε νοτιοανατολικά, όταν αρχίσει να νυχτώνει, είναι στην πραγματικότητα η Αφροδίτη [Vcay: Για σου Αφροδίτη!]. Καμία σχέση με την κουλή τη μαθηματικού μας..Επίσης, θα περάσει ένας κομήτης αυτό το μήνα κοντά από τη Γη, και θα το δούμε αν δεν τον λιώσει ο ήλιος. Αυτός ο κομήτης αποτελείται από άζωτο, νερό και από άλλα που δεν τα άκουσα, και έχει δημιουργηθεί, από την αρχή της δημιουργίας του. Ξέχασα να αναφέρω πως η ουρά του είναι 5 χιλιόμετρα.  Ενδιαφέρον; Α, κάθε βράδυ στον ουρανό βλέπεις 5000 αστέρια και έξι πλανήτες. Μπορώ να συνεχίσω μέχρι αύριο. Συγκλονίστηκες; Δεν είναι ότι με ενοχλεί, αλλά θα προτιμούσα να κάναμε Γεωλογία μιας και αυτό είναι το μάθημα, και όχι να μας δίνει το τελευταίο τέταρτο την ύλη και να φεύγει. Είναι τόσο παράλογο να το ζητάει αυτό κάποιος;
Με όλο το σεβασμό,

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Ένας μαθητής ενός Αμερικάνικου Γυμνασίου είχε γράψει το εξής:
Το παράδοξο της εποχής μας μέσα στην ιστορία είναι ότι έχουμε
ψηλότερα κτήρια, αλλά κοντύτερο ψυχισμό
φαρδύτερες λεωφόρους, αλλά στενότερες οπτικές γωνίες,
σπαταλούμε περισσότερο, αλλά έχουμε λιγότερα,
αγοράζουμε περισσότερα, αλλά απολαμβάνουμε λιγότερο.

Έχουμε μεγαλύτερα σπίτια και μικρότερες οικογένειες,
περισσότερες ανέσεις, αλλά λιγότερο χρόνο,
έχουμε περισσότερα πτυχία, αλλά λιγότερη αντίληψη
περισσότερη γνώση, αλλά λιγότερη κρίση,
περισσότερους ειδήμονες, αλλά λιγότερες λύσεις,
περισσότερα φάρμακα, αλλά λιγότερο καλή φυσική κατάσταση.

Έχουμε πολλαπλασιάσει τα αποκτήματά μας, αλλά έχουμε μειώσει τις αξίες μας.
Μιλάμε πολύ, αγαπάμε σπανιότατα και μισούμε συχνότατα.
Έχουμε μάθει πώς να "κερδίζουμε το ψωμί μας", αλλά όχι πώς να κερδίζουμε τη ζωή,
προσθέσαμε χρόνια στη ζωή, αλλά όχι ζωή στα χρόνια.

Ταξειδεύουμε στο φεγγάρι, αλλά δυσκολευόμαστε να διασχίσουμε τον δρόμο, ώστε να συναντήσουμε ένα νέο γείτονα.
Κατακτήσαμε το κενό του διαστήματος, αλλά όχι το εσωτερικό μας κενό,
καθαρίσαμε τον αέρα, αλλά βρωμίσαμε την ψυχή μας,
διασπάσαμε το άτομο, αλλά όχι την εμπάθεια και την προκατάληψή μας.

Έχουμε υψηλότερα εισοδήματα, αλλά χαμηλότερη ηθική,
γίναμε πολλοί σε ποσότητα, αλλά λίγοι σε ποιότητα.

Αυτή είναι η εποχή των ψηλών ανθρώπων, αλλά των μικρών χαρακτήρων,
του γρήγορου κέρδους, αλλά των ρηχών σχέσεων.

Αυτή είναι η εποχή του κόσμου της ειρήνης, αλλά των εσωτερικών συγκρούσεων,
περισσότερης άνεσης, αλλά λιγότερης διασκέδασης,
περισσότερων ειδών διατροφής, αλλά λιγότερης θρεπτικότητας.

Αυτή είναι η εποχή των δύο εισοδημάτων (και των δύο συζύγων), αλλά περισσότερων διαζυγίων,
εντυπωσιακότερων κατοικιών, αλλά διαλυμένων σπιτιών.

Είναι η εποχή που υπάρχουν πολλά στις βιτρίνες και λιγότερα αποθέματα,
η εποχή που η τεχνολογία μας φέρνει αυτό το γράμμα και η εποχή που μπορείς να επιλέξεις είτε να το προωθήσεις και να δημιουργήσεις τη "διαφορά"... ή απλά να το διαγράψεις...

by Gorgina..!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Jason Veeoneeye and Jack Gleeson

Please, tell us we are not the only ones who have noticed that the almost look the same. Basically sound the same.
So we were watching the series chilling and Zoey asked "Do you know veeoneeye?" and Vcay said  "no" so we both watched one video. (The anti-jokes one-it's a really awesome , go watch it) and then Vcay was like "He sounds like Joffrey" and Zoey agreed, saying the look alike too, a little bit.
So we did a little experiment.
We played two videos, one of Jason and one of Jack talking. So we couldn't really spot any difference and we were a bit freaked out.
Do they know each other? Are they related or something?
Have YOU noticed it? If anyone did, please tell us we are not the ones.

Types of Classmates (Stereotypical Version)

The cool weirdo
The cool person no one has any idea why is he cool. Mostly a twat.

The clown
Who told him he was funny again?

The nerd
The "I-know-everything" type of person. You all know what we're talking about.

  • The nerd you feel sorry about
He/she is trying to be the best student so much you cannot get mad at and you can only feel sorry for.

The geek
If you're actually reading our blog you're actually familiar with this type.

The quiet one
He's quiet. What else do you need to know? You don't talk to him anyways. He's probably a good person though. Maybe.

The slut
That kind of person has supposing slept with everybody but in reality she's still a virgin pretending to fucking cool. What makes you cool exactly?

The cat person
She loves cats so fuck off. You can replace 'cat' with anything. Basically the one obsessed with something.

The proof that humans evolved from monkeys
The title says it all. He's the kind of person who wouldn't understand that 1+1 is 2.

The foreigner
He talks weird. You make fun of him. You're a twat.

The internet addict
You're not sure if he's breathing unless he's  in front of a computer or his cell phone.

The creep
He mustn't be confused with the quiet one. A quiet one may be a creep, and a creep may be a quiet one, but they are not always the same. The weirdo that says disturbing stuff mostly about brains and placentas.

Stereotypical much? Yeah, it is. At if it wasn't clear, this was only made for your amusement.


Remains of the Day and This is Halloween

Remains of the Day
This is Halloween

Friday, November 15, 2013

Quick Life Update

I'm on the bus waiting for the bus (duh) with the annoying neighbor so we can go visit for the weekend her son, granddaughters and pregnant daughter-in-law. The bus will arrive at 2:30 and I'm freaking bored. BORED. TO. DEATH.
Right now she tells me stories about pictures no one knows they exist and I'm pretending I'm interested. Literally. I didn't know I could type that fast without looking. Go me.
On that note, lets get to more important and happy stuff; I got my braces off last night! ^_^ I'm honestly smiling to everyone I see right now. *yay*
Meanwhile, Zoey and Georgia are stuck in school watching a stupid celebration. I pray for them. -_-
As I said, it's a quick life update because nothing else happened and my head starts hurting like hell again.
Until next time!

Friday, November 8, 2013

So that happened two years ago....

Two years ago, we were talking with this guy, okay? It was me, Zoey and another girl. That guy is really popular and has a lot of friends, obviously. And he says that he could see a friend of his dating Zoey because of some reasons I don't remember. We keep talking about this and he continues saying that he could also see the other girl dating one of his friends. We keep talking. About 30 minutes or something.
And he never mentioned that "Hey, I think Vcay and...could date!" He didn't even say my name.
He didn't consider me as a girl a guy-any guy-could date. Didn't even think about it.
Go on. Laugh. I know it is stupid. You can tell me I'm stupid, okay? But it was-and is-important to me. That will not change how I feel, even if you tell me this is ridiculous. It will possibly make me even worse.
I mean, we were just having fun, you know? That guy didn't even think about me with anyone, not even as a joke. Maybe I'm not even a girl to his-and apparently, the whole class' at least-eyes? And I know that neither this guy or the other girl or Zoey remember it. Well, Zoey does, because we talked about it today, but the others don't. No one cares. And then there's me.
And I thought about it a little more, and no one even thinks about me as a girl in general. I've heard guys and girls commenting on how hot everyone else is. How hot my friends, family members and classmates are.
And that's pretty much a lot of people.
Who told me I'm pretty? Zoey (who is my best friend, what would she say?) Katherine (who also would never say that I am ugly) and some family members. Thanks aunt Helen.
No one ever said anything positive about my appearance or my character. Am I just that good girl no one really likes but will talk if they have to?
Maybe, yeah.


Sunday, November 3, 2013


It really annoys me when I'm talking with someone about how confident I am (not) and they're like "Relax! Be confident!" (or anything like that) as if something is going to change just because they said it. What the hell are they waiting? To answer like this:" Thank goodness, thank you so much for saying this to me now I can live happily!"? I just don't get it. Just because they are good with themselves doesn't mean I am as well. I'm a freaking TEENAGER. It's not going to be okay if you just answer me with a small phrase and change the subject, you know.

That's why anime/movies/series/internet/books/music/fan fiction is so much better than real world. Because you can actually forget the present and go to a place where everything is fantastic or at least your problems don't exist. I honestly prefer spending my whole afternoon watching Pretty Little Liars or reading The House of Hades than thinking about that disgusting thing on my mirror or that f*cked up "education".

What Would Vcay Do If...?

...There was an Earthquake and the only thing to Save Herself Would Be to Place her Laptop on Her Head?
What the fuck did i just read? Oh, no wait, i wrote it. Anyway, from whichever of the places in my brain not yet been discovered this came from, I'll answer this. (I'm not even sure this is proper English. Meh-why do i always say Meh? Like, last time-oh yeah, i was answering something). I'd put the freaking laptop on my head. The news'd be like 'Girl Saved by Placing Laptop on her Head' and I'd be famous and....anyway i'd buy another one later, no problem.

...She Had To Choose Between Her Cats or This Blog?
Goodbye blog. Seriously, a blog doesnt purr. And the blog isnt even alive to start with.

Oz the Great and Powerful-Movie Review

Ok, so here's some background before I get to the review; only Zoey wanted to watch it-and regretted it. But then Georgia said that 'Detention' (great movie by the way) was boring so we decided to watch the one with Oz.
Honestly? It was awful.
Mainly because we were all expecting the movie to be exactly the same (as much as a movie can be the same) with the actual story. It was not. It had nothing to do with it, there was no girl, no Toto, no scarecrow, no lion, nothing....The only things that were there were the wizard (who also had nothing to do with the original) and the wicked witch. And Kansas with a hurricane.
Instead of the other characters, the creators decided to add a china doll and a monkey with wings who wears a costume of a doorman of a hotel. And two more witches-a good and a bad.
Really, I don't know if I should write spoilers, though I don't really want to. I mean, I really didn't like that movie that much. It was so cliché I couldn't stand it after some point.
On the other hand, the China Doll was really cute and the monkey/wings/doorman was an awesome character.
Only because there was the monkey, the china doll and that sort-of-plot-twist (when the good witch became a bad one) I give this movie a 3/10.Sorry.


The House of Hades-Book Review

Honestly? I didn't expect this to be that awesome. I mean, after ONE WHOLE YEAR of waiting, I almost forgot about it. Then, I saw it on a bookstore and bought it instantly bought it online when i got home.
It was-It-The-Wow.
No words. Honestly.
So much character developing. Every character got better. Except maybe from Jason. Why?
Frank got a lot more badass. *Go Frank*
Leo also got a lot more badass and well and met Calypso.
Hazel and Piper actually do things except whining about their pasts and their boyfriends.
Percy and Annabeth found a way to survive Tartarus.
Nico confessed his crush on Percy.
And Jason? He...well....um...he proved that he is not a homophobe and wants to make everyone feel better.
Wow, Jason Grace, your character development is super amazing, congrats.

Anyway, the whole drama between Jason and Piper is almost none. So is the whole story between Frank, Hazel and Leo. The whole book is action. I never said I love reading action, but it's better than a whole chapter of 'Leo-looks-like-the-guy-i-dated-oh-so-long-ago' and 'What-did-you-do-with-Reyna-before-you-met-me'.
Percy and Annabeth scenes would be fantastic if every time they had a Percabeth moment i didnt think of Nico. Except from that, their scenes were the all time classic 'Percy and Annabeth fight monsters with some help of friends' scenes we all know and love.
And Nico. Oh my God.
I am 5389% sure Rick Riordan planned this from the very beginning.
I dare you to go and read all the times Nico and Percy talk to the previous books. I dare you.
I mean, i have thought that Nico might be gay, but never took it seriously.
There are a lot of fans who loved the idea of Nico being gay before the release of this book, and i was a part of them, but seeing it actually written in the book is...scary.
Anyway, I loved this plot twist so much.
And later when Jason and Nico talked about it and Nico said that everything was fantastic for Jason because he was son of Jupiter but Nico was rejected and didnt belong because he was son of Hades...I cried. I loved this scene.
There wasnt that much of Leo to this book, except the Calypso thing though. I wanted more Leo jokes.
For all these reasons I give this book a 6.8/10.
