
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


1. Study. And mean it. Seriously, no more lies. You must study. Do homework and projects. Ask someone to help you. It's not something bad to ask for help.

2. See school subjects as an entrtainment thing. Like there's nothing else you can watch on TV than a doctumentary. Just try. okay? Find a way to learn things faster.

3. If you want to make some friends, just say hi to a random person. Someone like the guy who sits at that corner all the time. If things get awkward, dont be afraid to say something like "I'm just trying to make a new friend here, are you in?". If s/he says no, just walk away. You tried. Oh, and dont have that 'I-want-to-kill-whoever-approaches-me' attitude.

4. Control your anger. Most problems with classmates start when you are angry about something tottaly irelevant and someone does something as horrible as poke you. Then the fight starts, problems start etc etc...

5. You're not going to win anything if you express your opinion which is against the teacher's.I'm not talking about something that has to do with the lesson. But if you are against stereotypes and the teacher ends up being as stereotypical as hell, dont waste your breath. You're not going to change anything. And dont say anything about πληση εγκεφαλου to other students. Your classmates are old enough to recognise good from bad and if they agree with stereotypes or not, it's the result of the envirnoment they grew up and the teacher had nothing to do with it. And who says that they're going to listen to you anyway.

6. Enjoy little things. Easier sais that done BUT i've been at that pahse myself (i think i still am at some amount). Dont be miserable because of the poverty; that sounded wrong. I mean, dont tihnk about it all day unless you can do something about it. And if you CAN actually do something, be optimistic and think "Hey! I'm taking part at something in order to stop [whatever the subjecr]!" Enjoy five minutes of 'am-i-awake-or-alseep' phase in the mornings; watch your cat playing with her little kittens; watch funny videos on youtube; share anecdotes with friends; roleplay random characters with your friends...There are so many things to be happy about.

7. Find Something That Relaxs You And Do It Everyday. It can be whatever you want; drawing, writing, dancing, singing, yoga, jogging, writing in your blog, playing games online...any-thing

8.Self-harm. Have you ever heard of the Butterfly Project? If not, here's the link : And even if you dont cut, it can help. Also, go back to No6. And remember; self harm wont solve any problem you have in your life. The only result may be some marks on your body you're going to regret for the rest of your life.

These things obviously are not going to work for all of you. But i'm just counting what I and people atound me do. It's not the ultimate guide or anything.


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