1. Sparkly vampires are just sad and pathetic.
2. None of the Harry Potter characters stare at people while they sleep.
3. A Twilight vampire may have special powers, but they can only have one each. Wizards can have all of the abilities vampires have, like: Legilimency, Occlumency, Divination, and more: Metamorphmagus, Parseltongue, Animagus, etc.
4. For the Twilight series, five minutes after you meet someone, you are so in love with them that you can't live without them. Harry Potter characters do fall in love, but in much more realistic ways. And they don't lie around obsessing over it, they have more important things on their minds.
5. Voldemort is way cooler than the Volturi. (Who, for those of you who don't know, are a group of really old vamps who prevent other vamps from telling humans about their existence. No vampire would ever do this anyway, so the Volturi are useless)
6. The Twilight books have no humor.
7. Twilight only has sequels because Stephanie Meyer realized how popular it was. J.K. Rowling had always planned to write a series, even if it wasn't popular.
8. Did anyone offer to make Twilight a musical? No? Didn't think so.
9. No one dies in Twilight, except for a few people they didn't know. Every good series includes a death that has a great impact on the main character. Several beloved characters died in Harry Potter, and this helped the plot to develop.
10. Twilight does not include any exciting villains. Harry Potter has many.
11. Twilight is sexist. Bella's ideas never work, she cannot do anything for herself and is constantly being saved by men. Now think of the girls in Harry Potter. Are Hermione, Ginny, and Luna constantly playing clueless damsels in distress? No.
12. None of the characters in Harry Potter needs to be unnaturally attractive in order to be loved by their significant other. But do you think Bella would have looked twice at Edward if he was ugly?
13. Harry Potter has all kinds of fans: old, young, male, female, etc. But Twlight's only fans are preteen and teenage girls, and a few middle-aged women. And many members of these groups (including myself) don't even like Twilight.
14. The Twilight movies have bad special effects.
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