
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Ξυπνάω χαλαρά, θυμάμαι πως γράφω Φυσική και φρικάρω. Τέλος πάντων, πηγαίνω να φάω πρωινό και ανοίγω την τηλεόραση. Σε μια πρωινή εκπομπή που δεν θα ονομάσω. Μιλάνε για τους γάμους μεταξύ ατόμων του ίδιου φίλου. Οι δυο παρουσιαστές μιλάνε μαζί δυνατά και εγώ, αγουροξυπνημένη, δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω τι λένε. Στο τέλος, ο ένας παρουσιαστής ρωτάει τον άλλο "Δηλαδή αν ο γιος σου σου έλεγε πως θέλει να παντρευτεί τον Κώστα, θα του έλεγες όχι;" και ο άλλος απαντάει "Εννοείται". Καλά, μπορεί να μην το είπε έτσι, άλλα στο περίπου. Το νόημα τον πιάσατε. Και το θέμα δεν σχολιάστηκε από κανένα; 
I wake up and remember i have an exam in Physics. I freak out and go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I watch a TV show i wouldnt like to name, talking about homosexual marriage. The journalists shout at each other, and I cannot understand them In the end, the one says to the other "Like, if your son told you he wants to marry John, you would say no?" The other answers "Of course!" They didnt say exactly these words, but you get the point. And this wasnt even judged by anyone.
Έλεος, ρε φίλε. Και όχι μόνο για τον συγκεκριμένο, και για όλους εναντίον των ομοφυλοφιλικών γάμων. Οκ, η εκκλησία να μην το δέχεται. Αλλά γιατί κάποιοι που αγαπιούνται να μην μπορούν να παντρευτούν. Ειδικά άμα μπορούν να υιοθετήσουν. Τι λογική είναι αυτή; Και να σας πω την αλήθεια; Πιστεύω πως οι γάμοι αυτοί θα αντέχουν περισσότερο από τους "κανονικούς". Γιατί; Γιατί το μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό των γκέι δεν ψάχνει μόνο για  one night stand και πόσο κούκλος/α θα είναι ο/η γκόμενος/α. Ψάχνουν για αγάπη. Γι' αυτό, αν βρουν τον κατάλληλο, ούτε θα τον κερατώσουν ούτε τίποτα. Ενώ οι ετεροφυλόφιλοι; Ψάξε βρες σήμερα έναν 25αρη που δεν ψάχνει ποια θα γ*μησει το βράδυ και δεν έχει 60892 πρώην. Είναι μετρημένοι στα δάκτυλα. Πόσοι "κανονικοί" γάμοι έχουν διαλυθεί επειδή ο/η σύζυγος απάτησε τον/την σύζυγο;
I'm not talking only for that guy, but for all the homophobics. It's ok for the the church not to approve. But why two in love people shouldnt be able to express their feelings? They can adopt kids but not get married? I believe that these marriages will last longer and with more success than a "normal" one. Why? Because the biggest amount of gay people doesnt search for one night stands and how hot their boy/girlfriend will be. Try to find a 25 year old straight guy who doesnt search for fucking a different chick every night and has  60892 exes.There are less than ten. How many "normal" marriages were ruined because of cheating?
Μερικοί λένε πως δεν είναι φυσιολογικό. Ε, σας έχω νέα. Ειδικά για τους άντρες ομοφυλόφιλους. Πρώτα απ' όλα, ομοφυλοφιλία συναντάται και στα ζώα. Δεύτερον, μελέτες έχουν δείξει πως όταν μια γυναίκα είναι έγκυος σε αγόρι, το σώμα της παράγει μια ορμόνη επειδή το αρσενικό είναι "ξένο" στο θυλυκό σώμα της, με σκοπό να το κάνει ίδιο με αυτήν. Αυτή η ορμόνη αυξάνεται κάθε φορά που μια γυναίκα περιμένει αγόρι. Έτσι, όσα πιο πολλά αγόρια έχει κάποια οικογένεια, τα μικρότερα έχουν μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα να είναι γκέι, λόγο της ορμόνης που τα κάνει πιο "θυλυκά".
Some claim it is not normal. I have news. Especially for male homosexuality. First or all, homosexuality exists in animals, as well. Secondly, researches have shown that when a woman is pregnant to a boy, her body creates a certain hormone because male is "foreign" to her female body. The more boys a woman has, the more hormone is created each time, making the younger sons more "female" and thus, more possibilities to be homosexual.
Και γενικά, γιατί στους άντρες είναι πιο δύσκολο να παραδεχτούν πως είναι γκέι; Καταρχάς, υποτίθεται πως οι άντρες δεν κλαίνε-κλασικό-ότι και καλά δεν πρέπει να δείχνουν τα συναισθήματά τους. Και κάτι πιο σημαντικό: τα κορίτσια όλοι την ώρα είμαστε με φιλάκια στα μάγουλα, αγκαλιές "τι κούκλα που είσαι σήμερα", άμα δούμε καμιά στο δρόμο δεν διστάζουμε να πούμε "Τι γαμάτη που είναι!".  Αν ένα αγόρι τολμήσει και πει κάτι παρόμοιο για ένα άλλο αγόρι, κατευθείαν θα αρχίσουν τα "Κοιτά ρε την αδερφάρα! Π*στης είσαι μ*λάκα;"
And why is it harder for men to get out of the close? Well, men are not supposed to cry or show their emotions and shit like that. And something more important: girls hug and kiss their bffs all the time, they sit on ewach other's laps, they are not afraid to tell a girl friend of them "You look hot today!" or "That chick over there is so pretty!". Ir a guy dares to to something similar to that (compliment or kiss on the chick-not sex) everyone is like "This is soo gay" and "Dude, are you gay?" and buulshit like that.
Δηλαδή απαγορεύεται να περάσεις τη ζωή σου με το άτομο το οποίο αγαπάς; Είναι και παράνομο; Μπορεί η ίδια να είμαι straight αλλα αυτό δεν το ανέχομαι. Ο καθένας στη ζωή του κάνει ότι θέλει, αρκεί να μην είναι εις βάρος των άλλων, κάτι που ομοφυλοφιλικός γάμος δεν το κάνει. Αυτοί οι "άλλοι" που παρατάσσονται εναντίον κάνουν το θέμα από μόνοι τους εναντίον τους. Και γιατί δεν σκέφτεστε ότι το παιδί σας παίζει να είναι γκέι και με αυτή τη συμπεριφορά το αναγκάζετε να περάσει τη ζωή του δυστυχισμένο;
Ο κάθε ένας έχει το δικαίωμα να κάνει ότι θέλει με την προσωπική ζωή. Τέλος.
Like, why is it forbidden to spend your life with the one you love? Why should it be illegal? Maybe im straight but I cant stand that behavior. Everyone can do whatever he/she wants with his life, if that doesnt harms others. And these "others" who are homophobic, make the subject against them themselves. And why dont you think that your kid mey be gay but because of your racist behavior you make him/her to spend all his life miserable?
Everyone has the right to do everything with their personal life. The end.

By the way, συγχαρητήρια στους ανθρώπους αυτούς που παντρεύτηκαν σήμερα στη Γαλλία, ο πρώτος ομοφυλοφιλικός γάμος ever.
By the way, congratulations to the happy couple who got married on France today. The first homosexual marriage ever.
Σε όλους τους ομοφοβικούς, σας αφιερώνω αυτή την εικόνα:
To all homophobics, I dedicate you this image:

Vcay (with a bit help of Zoe)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Victim of the Beast 666

The grave of Lilly E. Gray stands in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. It’s a simple, plain flat stone that lists here birth date and death date (June 6, 1881 and November 14, 1958).  It’s what’s written next to these figures than makes this stone legendary: Victim of the Beast 666.
That’s all that is carved on Lilly E. Gray’s grave, except for a few flowers (primroses, to be exact, which are often referred to as “The Devil’s Lantern.”) According to hospital records, she died of natural causes. Her short obituary listed nothing extraordinary. In other words, there are no records or hints to explain this mysterious message.
Heightening the mystery is the fact that Lilly’s husband, Elmer Gray, is buried in the same cemetery, but far away from Lilly in a different section. This has led to much speculation that he was the beast in question in Lilly’s life. Was he responsible for her death? Did one of Lilly’s friends or relatives intend the inscription to condemn Elmer? Or was this, as some people seem to think, a reference to occultist Aleister Crowley, who liked to call himself The Beast 666? If so, how was he connected to Lilly?
Nobody knows the answers. Only the bare facts remain. Lilly moved to the area in 1950, only eight years before her death, and her grave has grown into a local Salt Lake City legend. And this strange epitaph deserves its prominent place in Utah folklore.
Lilly: Victim of THAT Beast?
In the northeast corner of the Salt Lake City cemetery, there's a small, unassuming headstone for a woman named Lilly E. Gray. Her epitaph reads: "Victim Of The Beast 666." I've done some research, and no one seems to know what this means. I've been there several times, and I get a bit of a chill every time I read it. Once, a friend of mine stepped on the marker and a few minutes later, a car door inexplicably slammed shut on her hand. It wasn't windy outside at all. Pretty scary stuff. –Mike Reed
Weird Utah

Sourse: http://www.weirdus.com/states/utah/stories/victim_of_the_beast_666/

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Σε πλησιάζει. "Γεια. Ονοματάκι;" και τετοιες μαλακίες.
Εσύ: "Μαρίνα. Εσένα;"
Τον πιάνεις από τα μάγουλα και τα ζουλάς. "Αχουτο μωρε το Σωτηράκι...Ήρθες και με άλλα παιδάκια εδω; Γουτσου γουτσου!"
"Γεια .Ονοματάκι;"
"Αει στο διάλο μαλακα μου τα χετε πρίξει τρεις ώρες μπαλόνια μου τα κανατε ρε κλαπαρχίδια. Στεφανια με λένε ρε , τι πρεπει να κανω γαμω; Να το γράψω σε ταμπελίτσα;"
"Γεια .Ονοματάκι"
Και γενικα ότι λεει η απαντηση είναι νιαου.
"Πάρε νουμεράκι και περήμενε τη σειρα σου."
"Γεια! Είμαι η Στέλλα!"
"Ωραίο όνομα! Θες να κάτσεις;"
"Σε λίγο θα ρθει και η κοπέλα μου! Να τη γνωρίσεις!"
"Τη βλέπεις την πόρτα;"
"Δειξε μου πως ξέρεις να τη χρησιμοποιείς."
Μαζέψου στη γωνια και κοιτα το πατωμα μεχρι να φύγει. Μη βάλεις τα γελια.
"Γεια! Ξέρεις τι καναμε πέρσι στο χωριο μου....κτλ κτλ"
Δεν προλαβαίνει να πει γεια.
"Κοιτας κατι;"
Αρχίζεις να μιλας με Θρακιώτικη προφορά.

Σας βοηθησαν; Το ξέρουμε πως όχι, αλλα δεν βαριέσαι...


Sunday, May 19, 2013


This is a quokka.If you try to say this is not the cutest thing you've ever seen..well you're lying

Facebook pictures xD (whoever made this I literaly love you)

The Facebook profile picture: your face in the weird Online world that is Facebook. It’s something we all take spend a bit of time deciding over, if we’re honest, but have you ever wondered what your friends really think of your latest selection? Below is a selection of 20 common approaches and just a suggestion as to what they might truly say about you.
Update: This post was provided by a guest writer and was aimed for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken personally or offensively. In fact, the writer itself has mentioned that they fit the profile of the “The Body Shot” but has not provided their own picture as example ;)
funny facebook profile picture no pic avatar

The Selfie

facebook profile picture selfish avatar
Image: Via

You’re self-absorbed. You think your friends don’t take enough pictures of your lovely face often enough, so you do it for them.

The Exaggerated Pout

facebook profile picture exaggerated pout avatar
Image: Via

You mistakenly think this is cute and amusing in a self-aware, ironic kind of a way. You may even think sucking your cheeks in and puckering up makes you look good, but you are wrong in quite a big way. You look like a duck.

The Movie Star

facebook profile picture movie star avatar
Image: Via

You have a picture of your favourite movie star as your profile picture. They are cool, chic and good looking. You are… not so much.

The Baby Pic

facebook profile picture baby pic avatar
Image: Via

You have successfully spawned gurgling replicates and want everyone to enjoy your biological success. You are aptly illustrating how these little angels have hijacked your identity, as your Facebook friends swiftly click towards the ‘Hide all posts’ button.

The Office Shot

facebook profile picture hot shot avatar
Image: Via

You either use your Facebook for dreary business networking or you simply spend your life at work. Your career is very important to you, and your colleagues are like family, until Christmas at least. Then you are very much alone…

The Holiday Snap

facebook profile picture holiday avatar
Image: Via

You are, or have been, somewhere hot, sunny and scenic, and you are very pleased with yourself about it. You want everyone to share your good fortune, whether they like it or simply want to beat you senseless with a sun lounger.

The Wedding Day

facebook profile picture wedding day avatar
Image: Via

You got married fairly recently and it was just a dreamy fairy-tale day of romance, white nylon and drunken uncles. You’d like everyone to know that despite how unpopular you were at school, you made it in the end.

The Fancy Dress Party

facebook profile picture fancy party avatar
Image: Via

You are just a wild and crazy thing aren’t you? You want everyone to see how much fun you are – like a big ugly child who never grew out of the dressing up box. Party on.

The Nature Shot

facebook profile picture nature avatar
Image: Via

You want people to see you as a thinker; a romantic with a poetic soul of deep and tortured intensity – at one with the spirit of nature and the double rainbow-beauty of life. Instead, people see you as that friend whose name they don’t recognize and whose Facebook picture doesn’t help. *Remove from Friends*

The Studio Shot

facebook profile picture studio shot avatar
Image: Via

You take yourself a bit too seriously and enjoy your own face enough to pay someone to optimise it with studio lighting, open-casket make-up and some bizarre props. You think you should probably have been a model. Your Facebook friends think otherwise.

The Body Shot

facebook profile picture body shot avatar
Image: Via

You’re pretty pleased with your body, but you’re not making any friends by slapping it all over Facebook. Actually, you probably are attracting friends, but there are other networking sites for that kind of thing, thanks.

The Drinking Shot

facebook profile picture drinking shot avatar
Image: Via
You with a drink. Wild times, eh? You’re either 15 years old and it’s still a novelty, or (more likely) you’re 27 and have yet to discover anything more novel than sluicing your guts with tramp juice.

Your Obscure Artwork

facebook profile picture obscure avatar
Image: Via
You are so desperately bohemian that your latest artwork is a better reflection of you than a mere photo ever could be. You’d really rather not be associated with the Facebook ‘establishment’, but it’s useful for stalking your more successful friends from art school.

Someone Else’s Obscure Artwork

facebook profile picture obscure art avatar
Image: Via

You wish you were so desperately bohemian that your latest artwork would be a better reflection of you than a mere photo ever could be. You’d really rather not be associated with the Facebook ‘establishment’, but it’s useful for stalking people who went to art school.

The Hipstamatic

facebook profile picture hipster avatar
Image: Via

You want to be that person with obscure artwork as their profile picture. Instead, you and your friends work in dreary offices and make do with trying to be creative on your iPhones.

The Cuddly Couple

facebook profile picture cuddly couple avatar
Image: Via

You are just so hopelessly happy with Pookums that you never allow pictures of yourself to be taken without Pookums anymore. Why would you, when Pookums is your whole world? *hurl*

The Car Pose

facebook profile picture car pose avatar
Image: Via

You own a mode of transport. It’s as boring as that.

The Jumping Shot

facebook profile picture jumping shot avatar
Image: Via

You! In mid-air!! Leaping like life is one big joyous fun-fest!! You’re the kind of person who would say, “Smile! It might never happen!” despite being living proof that it does, and indeed just has, happened.

The Action Shot

facebook profile picture action shot avatar
Image: Via
You’re carving up the slopes, you’re jet-skiing, you’re jumping out of a plane on a BMX made of dynamite. You’re dangerous, you’re wild, you’re a recruitment consultant from Birmingham, but you still succeed in making everyone else feel inadequate.

No Image

facebook profile picture no pic avatar
You are either self-conscious, lazy, or have only just caved into pressure from your irritating friends to join the Facebook.

Friday, May 17, 2013


i hate those movies where there is no end of the story shown. I mean, it's like i watch the middle, i dont know the start nor the end. Example; "The Romantics"; in the end, Katie Holmes and the groum didn't broke up nor got together. If you havent watched it: Katie Holmes played someone who's best friend was getting maried to an ex-boyfriend of Holmes. The days before, they realize they still have feelings. In the end, it rained and the wedding was delayed-delayed, not canceled- the bride and everyone got in, only Holmes and the groum stayed outside laughing. I know it's a message-they stayed together instead of running, which means they are made for each other, being one infront difficulities(the rain)- but what happened later? Was the wedding canceled or the groum got married to the bride because it was a bit to late? Did the bride forgive Katie Holmes? And how about the blond friend and the guy who were both engaged/married to other people but they ended up making out? What happened to them? They didnt even talk, or say something "let's just forget it". It wasnt the end of the story, the problem wasnt solved, not a happy ending. Dont get me wrong, i like movies in which the ending is not happy. or the stories are not completed, but these movies show the the story goes that way, or the other way. In "The Romantics", there wasnt a clue. Was it a clue that they were laughing? It wasnt clear if the groum wanted to leave the bride. Ok, he and Holmes slept under a tree together, but then he left, going near the river/lake/whatever it was.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Anime, Exams and no Internet

So yeah, lately, im stuck with an anime called "Kyo Kara Maoh". If you are interested bout the plot, i'm bored of explaining to my friends so google it. But yeah, the plot isnt so interesting-a king to savethe day and blah blah blah-but the actual reason I watch this it's because I'm freaking stuck with Wolfram von Bielefeld.
That guy:


So, in general, i dont prefer blond guys but he's so damn cute. Dont freak out with the wedding mentioned in the picture, they were engaged by a misunderstaning at he took it seriously, which means he likes Yuuri (the guy on the back) but wont admit it which makes him cuter. And Yuuri wont even understand it! Ugh!
You embarrass yourself on the internet. Stop it.
Another thing, is that i'm having an ECPE exam, which is like the highest level in english in my country. Im anxious as hell but I realized im okay with the fact of failing and trying again next year.
Last, i had no internet for two days. I wouldnt care but im watching Kyo Kara Maoh on Youtube so i hated it. As a result, i watched a lot of movies, including "Botched" which made my Russian englsih accent better. (Really cool movie, watch it if you have time).
And I probably should start studying now(aka go on Twitter and Fanfiction for the next five hours). Bye. May the odds be on your favor. Whatever.


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Black, Grey and White

There are black grey and white people. Not like their ekin color lut their personalities. As they get darker people become more rude, arrogant but lustfull and hopeless as well adn as they get brighter people have more hoble feelings like kindness, sweetnes, friendliness etc. The majority of people are grey.
They've done both good and bad things in their lives and do their best to be the best 'them' they can be. Whites ate always the hardest to find. The most likely you are going to find is a really pale shade of grey if you are looking for white. Because all people sin. If white is what you are aiming for...well, it's not like I can se those colors. Nobody can but htis is a really easy way to put people into categories. And lastly, blacks are also really hard to find because no matter how bad you are most people, if not all, have a bit of kindness into them. But not all blacks are black because sometimes that is what they are supposed to be. The majority of them are black because they cant be white.
No matter how hard they might try. They don't just get it wrong because this is not actually their choice. They are wrong even though they know that they can neve be right.
They are black because grey isnt good enough for them.

by Zoe

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Ξεπέρασε ανακοπές καρδιάς, καρκίνο, πνευμονία..

Είναι 25 ετών και… έχει νικήσει τον θάνατο 8 φορές!!! Η περίπτωση του Matthew Hawksley είναι μοναδική. Παρά το νεαρό της ηλικίας του έχει περάσει τα πάντα. Όμως δεν το βάζει κάτω, στέκεται στα πόδια του ξανά και πολεμάει.
Σύμφωνα με τις αποκαλύψεις του έσπασε τον αυχένα του, έπαθε τέσσερις ανακοπές καρδιάς, αλλά επανήλθε, νίκησε έναν ανθεκτικό στα αντιβιοτικά χρυσίζοντα σταφυλόκοκκο, μια βαριά πνευμονία και τον καρκίνο!
Ο Γολγοθάς του νεαρού οξυγονοκολλητή από την Βρετανία ξεκίνησε τον Ιούνιο του 2011, όταν πήγε για μπάνιο με τους φίλους του σε παραλία της Ιρλανδίας.
Πήρε φόρα και έκανε βουτιά με το κεφάλι με αποτέλεσμα να χτυπήσει στον πάτο της θάλασσας, καθώς στο σημείο ήταν πολύ πιο ρηχά από ότι υπολόγιζε. Παρόλα αυτά, δεν πέθανε, όμως κομματιάστηκε ο πέμπτος σπόνδυλος του αυχένα του.
Επίσης, τα πνευμόνια του γέμισαν νερό και η καρδιά του σταμάτησε.
Μέσα στην ατυχία του ήταν πολύ τυχερός γιατί οι φίλοι του στην αρχή και οι διασώστες στην συνέχεια, τον επανέφεραν από τρεις ανακοπές!
Ήταν σε κώμα πέντε εβδομάδες, ενώ πέρασε αρκετούς μήνες στο νοσοκομείο. Κατά την διάρκεια της νοσηλείας του και ενώ ο οργανισμός του ήταν πολύ αδύναμος μολύνθηκε από χρυσίζοντα σταφυλόκοκκο (MRSA). Πρόκειται για μια συνηθισμένη και άκρως επικίνδυνη ενδονοσοκομειακή λοίμωξη. Σαν να μην έφταναν όλα αυτά έπαθε και βαριά πνευμονία. Το ξεπέρασε και αυτό.
«Όταν συνήλθα από το κώμα ήμουν εντελώς παράλυτος, έβλεπα μόνο ασπρόμαυρα σχήματα και μπορούσα να επικοινωνήσω μόνο βλεφαρίζοντας και βγάζοντας τη γλώσσα μου έξω», λέει στην εφημερίδα Daily Mail.
Όσο απίστευτο και αν σας ακουστεί: έχει και χειρότερο! Το μεγάλο πλήγμα ήρθε μετά από όλα αυτά, όταν ενημερώθηκε ότι έχει καρκίνο των όρχεων.
«Ομολογώ όμως πως ήταν τεράστιο χτύπημα για μένα η είδηση ότι έχω καρκίνο, διότι όταν το έμαθα είχα μόλις κάνει τα πρώτα μου βήματα και τώρα έπρεπε να δώσω ακόμα μία μάχη. Δεν το έβαλα κάτω, όμως, έπρεπε να προσπαθήσω».
Μετά από όλη αυτή την περιπέτεια ο 25χρονος μια συμβουλή δίνει: «Έχω περάσει πολλά και ένα έχω μάθει: ότι δεν πρέπει ποτέ να το βάζουμε κάτω, αλλά να μαζεύουμε τα κομμάτια μας και να συνεχίζουμε με ό,τι έχουμε».
Τώρα ετοιμάζεται να τρέξει ως ερασιτέχνης τριαθλητής για φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς. Εννιάψυχος: 25χρονος νίκησε τον θάνατο... 8 φορές! «Μην το βάζετε κάτω» by Gorgina..

Movies, Tests and Matt Pelisier

Ok, so I know it's been quite a while since I've written here. But I just dont feel like it. I have nothing to say, absolutely nothing, and when I do, they are small enough to be a tweet. Nothing of hwat i have thought wasnt worth writing here...
So, what has been going on to my life? Well, I've studied every day for english exams (6 tests and 6 essays in 2 weeks), I've revised this year's history for exams-really, I havent learnt anything this year. I've done math class, cousins, aunts and uncles came over, I've descovered a new anime-tottaly...off, by the way-by searching 'whut' in Google images, I've watched "Dog Pound"-again, realized why Devis die, "Dead Poets Society"-yet again, "Les Femmes de 6eme etage" and "Frankenweenie"-loved the cat.
I've descovered Bowling for Soup (little late, I know), I haven't seen any dream, -sad- and (get ready) I have eercised for 45 whole minutes! My gym teacher should be proud of me! :D I actually woke up at eight and had 45 minuted of exercising and had a shower before heading to engligh class at nine. It was a really hyper day. I havent felt that energetic before so I guess it's one day in 14, 1/5 years for me.
Oh, and another thing. Have you ever woke up and thought of something completely random? Not like 'food' or 'dammit school' or anything. Something like 'Russia' or 'IQ test'. Not only that, but you're feeling like answering every question with it. It's just stuck of your mind. No? You haven't? Congratulations, you're sane. I have thought 'Mat Pelisier' today. Not even his face, just the words. Mat. And Pelisier. "Goodmorning!" "Mat Pelisier" "Whata are you planning for today?" "Matt Pelisier" "What do you want for lunch?" "Mat Pelisier."
